Business conversation: rules, varieties and stages

Business conversation: rules, varieties and stages

The results of business relationships often depend on personal negotiations and dialogues. Business contacts made in writing or by telephone are developed in personal conversations. The participants in the interview use all the variety of communicative means: they use not only speech, but also gestures, facial expressions, and personal influence.

For official communication, having its own logic and traditions, a special approach is needed. It is governed by ethical principles and regulations and dictates the need for indispensable preparatory work. Its structural concepts are very clear.

Features and functions

A business conversation is usually a conversation of two interlocutors, which is why they should take into account the personal specifics of the opponent, his motives, speech patterns, and etiquette. Interpersonal communication involves a variety of methods of influence on the interlocutor.

Management theory considers the conversation as a kind of specially arranged thematic conversation, designed to regulate administrative purposes. Conversations are held in a formal setting, and their characteristics are very clear.

Business conversation, which has a specific topic and is personally oriented, is often carried out within the same organization between employees. The purpose of a conversation is the desire of one communication participant to use words to influence another or on a whole group of employees in order to push for activities, changes in the existing working environment or in relationships, and improve their quality.

Another goal of the business conversation is the need for the management to form conclusions and decisions based on the opinions and reasoning of the employees.

The advantage of business conversations over other types of speech communication is:

  • in the speed of response to the replicas of the interlocutors, helping to obtain the desired result;
  • to increase the administrator's awareness by taking into account, controlling, and monitoring points of view, judgments, thoughts, arguments, and skeptical statements heard during the interview;
  • in the expediency of a flexible rational combination of research methods of the topic under discussion, which is a consequence of the solution of the problem and the claims of all parties.

In a business conversation, the manager is able to directly respond to the expressed remarks and take into account the views and interests of the employees due to the feedback effect.

Business conversation is focused on the implementation of certain functions:

  • finding new directions;
  • launch of promising projects;
  • data interchange;
  • regulation of activities initiated;
  • mutual communication of employees of one enterprise;
  • promotion of business contacts between institutions, firms, industries.

A well thought out and organized business conversation gives excellent results for improving the work of the organization.

Fundamental rules

The results of business conversations and meetings are not only conditioned by the readiness for it, but also determined by the construction of the conversation itself. Avoid undisputed mistakes allow established methods of conducting interviews and compliance with their principles. There should always be an atmosphere of goodwill - harsh statements are unacceptable.

The principle of rationality implies restraint of behavior, especially in the case of a partner showing emotionality. Lack of control over emotions usually negatively affects the decision. The best such solution can not be called.

The principle of understanding is necessary so that the interlocutors can find points of contact in the dialogue and achieve the desired effect.

In the continuation of the conversation, the concentration of attention of the conversation fluctuates even in the absence of dissipative factors. Considering and noticing such nuances, it is necessary at this time to once again draw attention to yourself and resume interrupted contact.

The principle of reliability dictates the obligation to maintain the authenticity of informing the interlocutor - even if he gives false information. It benefits dialogue and allows you to achieve your desired goals.

An important psychological principle is the distinction between the subject of the conversation with the interlocutor. Subjective attitude to the opponent can affect the objectivity of the evaluation of indicators. Constructive conversation is based on the delimitation of events with points of view, and opinions - with experiences.

The concretization of such general principles for conducting business conversations are the rules for their implementation that contribute to the security and effectiveness of negotiations.

The rule of double interest is that each of the conversation has a double interest: not only the essence and content of the topic of conversation, but also cooperation with a partner. Maintaining a fruitful relationship is no less important a task in the conversation than the interchange of information.

Experts recommend directing the conversation in such a way that it does not interfere with staff relations with managers. For this you need:

  • not to rush to conclusions about the motivations and intentions of the interlocutors, based on their own assumptions;
  • listen carefully to your opponent and show that he is understood;
  • to voice their interest and their goals instead of arguing about the past, and thoughts should be expressed clearly and clearly;
  • discuss promising actions.

Emphasis on interest in a partner is also considered a significant rule that will seriously facilitate the tasks of both interlocutors. Phrases: “understandable”, “interesting”, “pleasant to know”, naturally inserted into the conversation, will create a relaxed atmosphere and help to express agreement and mutual understanding. The same task can be solved if you turn to your interlocutor, calling him by name and patronymic, and also not show anxiety and irritability.

The desire to clarify additional or auxiliary information will also help to maintain interest.

Do not break the relationship, challenging certain points in the allegations of the partner. His wrong can be shown non-verbally: with a look, tone or gesture.

Every conversation is a way to find points of contact. In order for the dialogue to be successful, it is not advised to start it with contradictions. Usually they start with such topics, opinions on which are the same, for example, about the weather. This is done so that from the very beginning a negative answer will not be heard and no effort should be expended to persuade the interlocutor. Experts recommend always to have several pre-prepared phrases, the answers to which are only positive.


Preparation for a business conversation begins with an important stage - planning, which consists in formulating the problems and tasks of the meeting, as well as creating a plan for negotiations and methods for its implementation. Professionals advise:

  • consider and weigh the intended process of the intended conversation, draw up its program;
  • collect all the necessary information about a possible interlocutor;
  • to test the effectiveness of their arguments, required to justify their beliefs and intentions;
  • check the consistency of their definitions and thoughts;
  • consider the options for the reaction of the interlocutor or the opponent to the arguments put forward.

The appointment of the time and place of the future conversation depends on the position and installation of the participants. It can be held on its own, alien or neutral territory.After the operational training, it is necessary to monitor and edit the collected and prepared materials and give the final interview plan to the final form.

Prospects for the successful completion of a business dialogue will increase with careful preparation for it.


The construction of a business conversation consists of 5 stages:

  • the beginning of the conversation;
  • the provision of information;
  • argumentation;
  • overthrowing opponent's arguments;
  • approval of proposals.

Each of these steps is based on professional knowledge, clarity, consistency, to which are added the personal qualities of the conversation, which are of great importance in conversation. Construct a plan of conversation should be based on the various possible variants of its outcome. Sometimes you have to re-articulate some arguments.

At the first stage - at the beginning of the dialogue - it is important to find a contact with a partner, to organize an attractive environment, to interest the interlocutor and to seize the initiative. It is advisable to use special techniques that begin the dialogue. These include:

  • method of relieving tension, which helps to establish close contacts with an opponent;
  • a way to hook the interlocutor, allowing you to quickly enter into the course of the problem;
  • method of stimulating fantasy, involving the emergence of a large number of questions;
  • methods of direct access to the problem.

The correct beginning of the conversation is considered to be an acquaintance, the exact formulation of its goals and objectives, the nomination of the topic, the communication of the rules for considering issues.

At the stage of providing information, it is necessary to find out the requests and opinions of the partner, his motivations, arguments and wishes, communicate the planned information, analyze the position of the interlocutor.

In the process of arguing one should not ignore any little things that can sometimes play a decisive role. It is necessary to remember simplicity, clarity, persuasiveness of concepts.

In the phase of refutation of the opponent's judgments, his remarks should be neutralized. For this it is necessary to state your arguments convincingly, without a doubt, not allowing the possibility of a refutation of your opinion. The logic of negation consists in analyzing dubious information, finding the true cause, selecting a concept and methodology. This applies a variety of techniques and tricks.

At the decision-making stage, the results of the argument that the interlocutor accepted and approved are summed up, the negative nuances and conclusions are eliminated, the achieved result is fixed and confirmed, the topics for further cooperation are suggested. At this stage, there can be no uncertainty, so that the partner also does not begin to doubt the decision.

It is necessary to always keep in reserve an additional argument to confirm your thesis in the event of an opponent's hesitation. It is recommended to control the behavior of the partner in order to anticipate his subsequent actions.


Independent types of business conversations are characterized by the following classification:

  • when applying for a job;
  • upon dismissal;
  • about the problem;
  • disciplinary nature.

The first type has the type of fact-finding, the main task of which is to ascertain and assess the business qualities of the applicant for the position. The manager is required to ask the applicant only a few basic questions containing information about the person: level of education, work experience, available skills and abilities, reasons for finding a job, level of payment claims. Sometimes it is necessary to clarify personal qualities.

An interview regarding an employee’s departure can be of two types: voluntary settlement or forced. In the first case, the administrator should find out the reasons for dismissal - this is due to attention to improving the management of the organization. Usually in such cases it is possible to learn useful information that allows to solve some problems.

The third type is a conversation with an employee who is forced to leave. As a rule, it is very difficult for the head. In the process of such a conversation, delicacy should be observed, but at the same time it should be true and fair to state the claims to it. There are special rules and tips for how to conduct such a conversation.

When implementing problematic and disciplinary conversations, one should also pay attention to the circumstances that have arisen; one should not act rashly, one must carefully clarify the causes of the incident and find a solution.

Methods of argumentation and example of conversation, classification

    The construction of argumentation can be based on rhetorical and speculative methods. To rhetorical include:

    • fundamental, consisting in a direct appeal to a partner;
    • contradiction based on finding disagreements in arguments;
    • methodology for isolating conclusions, which leads to the desired results through intermediate conclusions;
    • comparative;
    • the method of dismemberment, based on the allocation of individual parts;
    • boomerang method;
    • boycott;
    • shifting emphasis and highlighting their interests;
    • deducing method based on a phased change in the nature of the problem;
    • questionnaire method enclosed in pre-asked questions;
    • method of explicit assistance.

      Speculative methods can be considered:

      • exaggeration technique;
      • anecdotal;
      • technology of using authority;
      • technique of doubt in the interlocutor's personality;
      • isolation method, which consists in the presentation of individual expressions in a modified form;
      • a direction conversion based on a transition to another matter not related to the dispute;
      • repression, which consists in exaggerating minor problems;
      • technique of delusion, in which confusing information is reported;
      • Delay - delaying the conversation;
      • appeal based on appeal to sympathy;
      • distorting technique;
      • questions-traps.

        Experts recommend conducting business conversations in the following way: to make proposals or evaluate something in a question-answer form, which allows you to hold an initiative position, not allow a categorical tone, encourage the interlocutor to be active and at the same time receive the necessary information. For example, it is appropriate and rational to use phrases:

        • “What is your opinion on this? ";
        • "How do you think?.. ";
        • “Did I understand your point of view correctly? ";
        • “Shouldn't we check another option with you?” ";
        • “Do you think that the situation is not in favor of your judgment now? ".

        A business conversation contributes to the realization of people's desire to change the situation or to establish qualitatively new relations between the participants in the dialogue. Such conversations are an important part of the relationship in business and politics, representing the establishment of relationships between partners authorized by their organizations to resolve problems. Need to speak briefly.

        For more on business rules, see the next video.

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