Etiquette for children

Etiquette for children

All parents madly love their children and, of course, want them to grow up as good people. The dignity of man, the attitude of others to him is largely dependent on his upbringing. A child can study badly in school, not have time in many subjects, but at the same time he will be worthy thanks to good education. Proper education can not exist without the rules of etiquette for children. In the children's world there are their own standards, and each parent must bring them to their child.

What it is?

The definition of child etiquette is politeness. It is this concept that largely determines the rules of etiquette for children. All parents like when their child is praised in school, kindergarten or on the street. But this is not about good grades, but about behavior.

Polite behavior of kids begins with the attitude of parents to the world around them. For no reason, if you do not do this, your child will not begin to greet his neighbors or give up his place in public transport. It's no secret that The behavior of children is a reflection of the behavior of their parents. And then it is silly to be surprised that your son or daughter pushes passers-by, call names or throw stones at dogs.

Good manners do not appear by themselves, and no matter how much you talk to a child, explain what is good and what is bad, it will not work without a clear example.

Children often have to be in the company of adults who are very different. Unfortunately, not all uncles and aunts can control themselves and choose expressions during a conversation. Children are sponges that absorb bad things much faster than good ones. That is why you face the challenge Watch not only for yourself, but also for all adults who surround your children.

Role in education

The person becomes educated gradually. It is unlikely that someone is born and immediately knows how to behave in society. The role of parents in raising their children is an important aspect.

It should be noted that the transformation of a girl into a little lady, and a boy into a young gentleman, is significantly different. In no case can not raise heterosexual children the same way.

If you go to the bookstore, you will notice that the shelves are simply full of various types of literature on the upbringing of the younger generation. Not all books are worth reading, and some are completely impossible. But you can’t do without training at all. Even if you are sure that you know everything about ethical norms in children's etiquette, you are not allowed to look into the book and learn something new and useful from it.

Ideally, both parents should be engaged in raising children equally. Of course, with the modern pace of life it is often impossible. But, unfortunately, psychologists have proven that a child who lacks the attention of parents is much more difficult to bring up and reacts sharply to the remarks of teachers. In the future, lack of communication with mom and dad can affect many aspects of life.


There are various classifications of etiquette. Each of them should be carefully studied by adults to pass on information to children.

In the museum

The museum is a truly sacred place, a visit to which must be planned in your leisure time with children. But the museum should be chosen based on the age of the child. It will be interesting for the baby to look at the stuffed animals of rare animals and listen to the fascinating story about their life.

Before visiting such an institution, you must explain the child and demonstrate how to behave in a museum setting.If you do everything correctly, the child will remember these rules the first time, and you will not be ashamed to let him go there alone.

The first rule of behavior in the halls of the museum is silence. Explain to the child that people want to enjoy the exhibits, concentrate, feel and feel the era. You can move around the museum only at a pace, and touching the exhibits with your hands is strictly prohibited.

In order for all the rules to work, you need to carefully select the subject of the exhibition so that your child is interested. Otherwise, the baby will begin to entertain itself, which most often results in far from joyful consequences.

At the cinema

The cinema as well as the museum is a public place with a large crowd of people. If you go to a film show with a baby, then it must be a movie by age. The correct behavior in the cinema is a few points.

  • Respect the number of people sitting. The child should be focused on watching the movie - talking or laughing loudly is strictly prohibited.
  • Keeping your place clean. Going to a movie with popcorn or chips is, as a rule, a tradition of many families. Nobody asks you to cancel it, but it is worth explaining to the child that there is a need to be careful not to throw garbage around. After the session, you need to take all the waste with you and throw it into the nearest trash can.


Home etiquette is one of the important points in the education of the younger generation. Many parents believe that at home you can behave even as. But this is a big mistake, because often a small person sees no boundaries. At home it is necessary to try to establish etiquette as much as possible. Do not expect that if the child will eat with his hands, litter and scream at home, then in society he will behave somehow differently.

Of course, no one talks about the total limitation of everything, because everything is good in moderation, and your task is to determine this measure for yourself and bring it to the child.

On a visit

When you come to visit, many children lose their scope of being in someone else’s or their own home. They believe that if they took off their shoes and clothes, then you can also behave like at home. Most likely, if your child behaves badly, the owner of the house will not make a remark. But this does not mean that all external behavior is worth letting go of itself.

Explain to the child that you can not take things without permission, grab food from the table. The words “please and thank you” also have not been canceled, so teach your baby to pronounce them without hesitation.

Everything comes from domestic behavior, and, most likely, the child will behave in the guest environment as he behaves at home.

Communication with adults

From early childhood, the child must understand that communication with peers and adults are two different things. The first thing a child should know and assimilate is an appeal to “you.” This concept is the basis of all the foundations. A kindergarten teacher and a school teacher should be contacted by name and patronymic. Bickering and calling in the direction of adults should be stopped immediately - this is absolutely unacceptable.

Inter-ethnic communication

Very often, especially in large cities, children have to contact peers from other national groups. Your task is to tell children about the ethics of interethnic communication that children of other nations have the same right to go to kindergarten and school. Such conversations will teach the child to treat other nationalities with respect. Explain to your son or daughter that you should not laugh at accent or speech difficulties.

Tone of politeness for different ages


Preschool children are future students, and the task of kindergarten teachers is to prepare them for school. Preparation is not only in teaching literacy, but also in the right behavior in society, because the rest of his life a little person will have to live with people. Child education will be much more successful if carried out with the help of various games.The game is a great way to visually show the kid his place in society and communication with peers.


Teens are divided into several age groups. A teenager is a child of 13 years old and a boy or girl of 19 years old. Of course, raising a nineteen-year-old child is significantly different. Most likely, this age is generally not suitable for education. That is why the emphasis on etiquette training should be made precisely at 13 years of age. The age is difficult, but with the right approach, the younger person will be able to easily master the norms of politeness.

Frequently asked Questions

What is the best form of etiquette training?

Etiquette training should not take the form of lectures with note-taking - the simpler and more accessible, the faster the child will understand and assimilate.

Is it necessary to limit the communication of a child with rude people?

The experience of dealing with ill-mannered peers may not always be harmful. Very often, with the right approach of parents to raising a child, it can be helpful to be in the society of impolite children. Your child will understand that the bad guys are bad teachers and they have few friends. It is unlikely that your baby will want to have him as well.

Memo for every day

Communicate with your child every day, be interested in his success, support his interests and hobbies. You cannot control your children 24 hours a day, and warm, trusting relationships will help you keep abreast of developments in their lives.

In dealing with young children, choose the tactics of the game, give them more freedom and responsibility. Responsible child can not be rude!

How to teach your child to behave at the table, see the following video.

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