Dog Socks

Dog Socks

Many have often heard about the benefits of dog socks. Canine hair has a positive effect on human well-being, providing anti-inflammatory, analgesic and tonic effect.

Socks made of dog hair are very useful for a variety of pathologies: acute respiratory infections, varicose veins, arthritis, gout and other diseases.


What you should know about the benefits of dog socks

  • they warm and keep warm;
  • have a preventive effect against colds, as well as anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • accelerate the healing process;
  • reduce puffiness;
  • activate muscle work;
  • Surfactants, which are contained in wool, penetrate through human skin and have a therapeutic effect;
  • neutralize negative charged particles from the surface of the body.

Socks made of dog hair are often used as medicine, so do not forget to first consult with your doctor. But hope for one benefit of such socks, when you may need, complex therapy, or there are contraindications, still not worth it.

What if you, for example, are allergic to dog hair? It should be remembered that there is no hypoallergenic dog breeds.

Manufacturing features

Socks are usually used for breeds with medium length of hair or long-haired dogs: Caucasian, Asian, Southern Russian, East European and Scottish Sheepdog, Moscow Watchdog, St. Bernard, Diver, Husky, Afghan Hound, Bobtail, Chow-Chow, Dog. , some terriers and other breeds. Depending on the breed, wool can be both soft and fluffy, so coarse and prickly, but in any case, it is very warm. And in some breeds, for example, in the South Russian Shepherd Dog and the Black Terrier, the wool even has a water-repellent effect.

If socks are pricked, do not be afraid. On the contrary, socks connected from such wool activate blood flow to the diseased part of the body, stimulating its nerve endings, thereby improving the well-being of the patient.

Knit, as a rule, socks made of double thread. Be sure to still add cotton thread. This will extend the life of the socks.

The price of such socks is usually more expensive than synthetic ones. And if suddenly you bought socks at a low price, then most likely, such inexpensive socks are tied from one thread and, probably, will come off in a week. In this case, it is better to adopt one piece of advice: carefully inspect the product before buying.

How to save

There are no difficulties in caring for dog hair products. Modern developments in the chemical industry of special detergents for the care of wool make it easy to care for such products.

Wash by hand or on a special mode in the washing machine, do not soak. Do not scrub or rub. The optimum water temperature should be 30oC. Knitted - do not unscrew, woven - slightly squeeze. Dry flattened on a horizontal surface.

Over time, there may be "pellets", which can be removed from various devices designed to eliminate them.

So, the benefits of dog socks are obvious. And so that this thing served for a long time, do not forget that socks are a medicine.

Such socks are not worn in the shoes on the street just like that, but worn to achieve a positive therapeutic effect. And then your purchase will be justified and will serve you for a long time.

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